Weekend shopping therapy

Long time I’ven’t posted… but now I’m here again! Hope will find the time to customize my blog and post – of course – even if I’m back to work.

Last weekend was a little bit busy and some bad news had upset me (I work in a place that I went before and I didn’t like at all…I hope to move in another place but actually all I can do is try to smile and wait for the pay)… so to get over I went shopping in Austria.

I love go there because the landscape is beautiful, I can improve my german and find some items (clothes but also food) that I can’t find where I live.

I went to Villach – just about 1 hour and 1/2 by car – where there is a shopping centre called Atrio and you can find a lot of shops (for more info you can see the Facebook pace and the website http://www.atrio.at).

Let’s talk about my weekend shopping: I went by H&M (I know I’m boring but I like it) and bought a pair of ankle skinny jeans (soooo comfortable that almost like not wearing) and a top with the ”LA” print. 

By Ann Christine I found the black blouse with white hearts pattern I was shearching for….lovely!!!

By New Yorker a pair of white high waist jeans on sale: lucky me =) (fits perfectly with my pink H&M blouse and my Primark pumps)…and finally by Vero Moda I bought a black dress!

I was satisfied of the shopping but I’m still searching for other items 😉


That’s all folks…next post I think I’d like to talk about the ‘boyfriend’ jeans so now I’m gonno do some research about that !


PicsArt_1407661483660.jpeg See ya soon!

Cinzia ❤


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